Showing posts with label Nakna avatarer i SL. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Nakna avatarer i SL. Show all posts

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Attention jurors 2

Due to the fact that I have received several votes on the contributions listed below, I must again stress that votes are not allowed for the following contributions in the contest for best picture in the "Nakna avatarer i SL" ("Naked avatars in SL") project:

# 1 - Bock McMillan (my own contribution),
# 38 - withdrawn from the project by the contributor, 
# 95 - Hedda Millar (my own contribution), 
# 97 - Wild Zepp (my own contribution), 
# 100 - Ars Northmead (my own contribution), and finally 
# 108 - not a contribution to the project

If I receive votes on the above mentioned contributions the juror will be contacted again and asked to deliver new votes.

Attention jurors

Today I discovered I had forgotten to tag four of the contributions with the "Nakna avatarer i SL"-tag when posting them. I corrected the mistake immediately.

The four contributions that were not previously tagged were numbers 8, 29, 41 and 48.

If the two jurors that have already voted wish to change their votes, please send me a new notecard.

I am sorry for any inconvenience this mistake may have caused you.

Friday, October 29, 2010

Nakna avatarer i SL 109

As usual on most Fridays during workweeks I have been hit by "The Friday coma" as I call it. Which for me means that I am really, really tired after the workweek, perhaps more so now than earlier due to the medication.

However before going off to bed tonight I checked my e-mail and saw a message from Blanche Argus where she asked me if my project for peace and art in SecondLife "Nakna avatarer i SL" ("Naked avatars in SL") was still accepting entries. I also saw she had sent something to my inventory. So of course I had to log in to SecondLife to check what it was.

When I got inworld I received this beautiful and sensual picture of Blanche Argus and her soon to be husband - if I have read the blogs correctly - Ob Almendros.

First let me send my warmest congratulations to the two lovebirds. Love is a rare gift, take good care of it!

Then let me finish by telling you all that "Nakna avatarer i SL" will continue to publish pictures in this project as long as this blog exists, so do not hesitate to send me more pictures.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

What About A Contest?

I was thinking - pffft yeah I do do that sometimes - about this several times today. In the back of my head or actively.

Let me just toss out this idea to you all and let's see how it flies.

There are in my possession 108 contributions of wonderful pictures in my project "Nakna avatarer i SL" ("Naked avatars in SL").

Even if we take away my own contribution, my contribution of Ars, my contributions of my two alts, Wild and Hedda, the contribution that was withdrawn and the entry number 108 - which really is just a sneak photo at an event, there are still 102 amazing pictures left.

I love them all for different reasons, but still I think that some are on the whole a tad bit better than the rest, and one could possibly even be considered the best in show.

What if I offered to pay L$ 25 000 to the winner, the rest get nothing.

I think if we could get a jury consisting of five people who were willing to go through all the 102 contributions and each give the ten pictures they like best points - in falling order from first to last - 12, 10, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2 and 1 point(s).

From the jurors votes we could select the five or ten that get the highest total scores put these pictures out for popular voting. Everyone who wanted to take part would then be free to vote once on the three contributions they liked the best giving them the points 12, 10 and 8. Voting would of course be free of cost.

From the sum of the popular vote we would award the prize to the picture that got the highest score and the one on the winning picture would receive the prize money on Christmas Day, December 25th 2010.

For the final prize ceremony we could have a party on the field by my barn. I could get a DJ or two to play for us.

Just a rough idea yet! Please tell me what you think about it and if you have any suggestions for changes.

P.S. I would of course not be a juror or take part in any other way than donating the money and the use of the field and paying for the DJ´s.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Nakna avatarer i SL 108

Picture courtesy of/stolen from Blanche Argus
Picture courtesy of/stolen from Iendi Laville
Sometimes one just has to shout "Wooo get naked" and things start happening in Second Life!

This is a scene from Iendi Lavilles and Apollon Allens "The Grenouille Inn" tonight. Apollon was DJ-ing for a few of us Swedes, and I used my gesture that shouts "Wooo etc. etc.". This is what happened after I left to go to Andreys set.

You see the girls Blanche Argus, rultan Zepelin and Stella Guardian up on the the bar having a great time. It was all done with loads of charm and humour. Hell, if I had still been there I surely would have joined in the fun.

The pictures were stolen with love from Blanche´s blog Blanche´s Arena and from Iendis blog "Iendi och sl-mysteriet".

P.S. Yes, they are not completely naked, but I make the rules on this blog and in that special project of Peace and Art, but this will be the only exception allowing clothing til I decide otherwise ;P

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Nakna avatarer i SL 107

I am proud to present to you all my friend Brendon Heron. I first met Brendon during my early days in Second Life, while I had my home set to a gay beach. Brendon was beautiful already back then. He has since become even more handsome and nowadays frequently works as a model at fashion shows.

"Mission Beach", also known as "Boots Gay Beach", was an amazing place back then. It was owned by Boots Mission and Shawn Mission, a gay couple, with the purpose of being a safe haven for gay male avatars. There were always some "oldtimers" - sometimes only a few months older than us noobs - there that continuously looked after us and helped us along while teaching us "the do´s and don´ts" of Second Life.

The oldtimers were extremely patient with us noobs. The beach was always a friendly place and a school. There was always someone willing to show you how to set your viewer to get a more beautiful world, where to get things we needed and even how to build and script.

I will always be grateful for all the help I got at Mission Beach those first months in Second Life and all the friendly and kind people I met there.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Nakna avatarer i SL 106

Well this is a warning to you all, I roam the web for contributions to my project and am not below stealing when I see an awesome picture like this. (If the girls protest too much I will remove it of course!)

On this wonderful picture you see the two beautiful and gorgeous Selma Edman (photographer) and Iendi Laville take a bare-assed dip with a giant tortoise. The girls are lovingly known as "The Evil Twins" by their friends.

Do not ask me which ass belongs to which woman, they are both cute!

Jadå, ni är fortfarande välkomna att skicka era bidrag till mig antingen inworld eller till min mejl
Yes, you are still welcome to send your contributions to me either inworld or to my mail  

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Nakna avatarer i SL 105

I was so pleased when my friend Apmel Goosson decided to send me this picture of the latest addition to the worldfamous - and highly prolific - "Second Life"-family "The Apmels of Solace Island"!

Ladies and gentlemen it is an honour to introduce you all to, the lovely and beautiful Miss Robotlina Slingshot.

Jadå, ni är fortfarande välkomna att skicka era bidrag till mig antingen inworld eller till min mejl
Yes, you are still welcome to send your contributions to me either inworld or to my mail

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Nakna avatarer i SL - Bonus

The world famous art and peace project gives a temporary special performance on another blog. 

Please visit "Mer eller mindre KRANFEL" to see a revealing picture of my friend Vesper Kling here.

Vesper has formerly appeared in the project on this blog also, but at the time claimed to be "too shy to bare all"! It seems that  his detour to "InWorldz" has given him better confidence in himself.

And all I can say to that is Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay!"

Thanks for that postcard Vesper, loved it!

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Nakna avatarer i SL 104

I have been promissed these pictures for at least four months, perhaps more ... but I always knew they would come eventually.

Although I do not know the dazzling and sublime Midnattsdotter "Mid" Fride too well, I trusted her word. I also know she has a busy life both in RL and in Second Life. Here in SL she is - among very many other things I am sure - the owner of a well run club and an awesome DJ.

As you all can see Mid came up with - yet another - inventive and elegant solution to the problem "How to be totally naked, but still not bare it all!" (Note-to-self. Next time you come up with a bright idea like this prohibit any flora or vegetation from the start.)

Now enjoy Mid in all her splendor as she takes her morning bath in the waterfall.

Jadå, ni är fortfarande välkomna att skicka era bidrag till mig antingen inworld eller till min mejl
Yes, you are still welcome to send your contributions to me either inworld or to my mail 

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Nakna avatarer i SL 103

Yesterday I got a shy IM from Chiyo Yuhara, asking if I was still doing this peace and art project. I told her, "Of course, my dear, it will continue as long as I keep getting pictures!"

Chiyo then promptly sent me a whole bunch of beautiful pictures of her amazingly sexy avatar. I hope you enjoy and appreciate them as much as I did. And let me asure you, Chiyo is not only strikingly beautiful, she has an abundance of charm and good sence of humour also!

Let me tell you all that I actually have four firm promises to send in pictures sometime, but they did not tell me when... (and one of them may have changed his mind, since we had a run-in recently.)

The four are (so you can help in putting some pressure on them - but in good way...)
1. Midnattsdotter Fride,
2. Stirred Diesel,
3. roby Orellana and
4. Bara Jonson (but I am not expecting any from him until after February 14th, 2011, for reasons that must remain undisclosed)

Jadå, ni är fortfarande välkomna att skicka era bidrag till mig antingen inworld eller till min mejl
Yes, you are still welcome to send your contributions to me either inworld or to my mail

Monday, August 2, 2010

Nakna avatarer 102

Moderskap och kvinnor i "välsignat tillstånd" har varit ett motiv inom kulter och konsten ända sedan stenåldern.  Det gläder mig därför mycket att jag idag kan infoga även detta uråldriga motiv i min bildserie.

Ett stort tack till Kicki Springflower för att hon ville dela med sig av dessa vackra och rörande bilder.

Vad vore vi utan de starka kvinnor vi omges av. De präglar, påverkar, styr, leder, fostrar och berör oss alla och kommer alltid att göra det.

Modern är möjligen en av de ursprungligaste kvinnorollerna men den har fortfarande sitt berättigande vid sidan av hustrun, älskarinnan, vännen, arbetskamraten, chefen, politikern, prästen, läkaren, forskaren och konstnären.

Så länge vår samhällsstruktur systematiskt tillåter negativ särbehandling av halva befolkningen när det gäller makt, inflytande och belöning så har vi misslyckats. 

Så länge vi som samhälle fortsätter att acceptera, tillåta och möjliggöra mäns våld mot kvinnor måste alla män bära en del av den kollektiva skulden och skammen för att detta förekommer.

Starka och självständiga kvinnor behövs i varje samhälle som vill utvecklas.

...och om nån nu tror att detta bara handlar om RL så öppna ögon och se kvinnoförtrycket som florerar i alla möjliga och omöjliga former i SL! Läs exempelvis det inlägg som sirhc DeSantis berättar om på sin blogg "dirty nails" i detta inlägg. Jag spydde och grät av skam och ilska efter att ha läst det.

Friday, July 30, 2010

Nakna avatarer i SL 101

Ok, first think of short and sexy woman - with a a full, shapely figure - together with a charming eight feet tall, slender and spotted cat.

If you have any connection to Swedish SL whatsoever you will immediately think of the friendliest couple around, Mrs. Vampi Twine DeSantis and her sirhc DeSantis

Then - with a giant leap of your imagination - think of TWO couples like that and in the buff!

WooHoo!!! Did you also feel the earth move?

Well, thats what I felt when I got this picture in the mail today. The picture shows you Vampi and sirhc with their alts Impy Pearl and sirhc Weatherwax.

Vampi and sirhc with alts skinnydippin´ in the fountain inside the Greenhouse at OrmDricka

Jadå, ni är fortfarande välkomna att skicka era bidrag till mig antingen inworld eller till min mejl
Yes, you are still welcome to send your contributions to me either inworld or to my mail

Thursday, July 29, 2010


Det där med kommunikation är inte alltid så lätt, vilket jag vill ge ett exempel på här.

Igår var jag på OrmDrickas reptilparty utklädd till en hiskeligt grön jätteödla av något slag. roby Orellana var också där bland väldigt många andra. OD var synnerligen välbesökt igår.

Av någon anledning så kände jag plötsligt för att försöka prata lite med roby, som jag annars inte brukar tala med alls.

För att inleda konversationen frågade jag honom i local, varför jag fortfarande inte hade fått hans nakenbild. Jag tänkte då naturligtvis på en bild till mitt konst- och fredsprojekt "Nakna avatarer i SL", dvs. en nakenbild på hans avatar.

roby svarade då, "för att jag bara gillar tjejer, Bock". Han tänkte sannolikt på någon helt annan sorts bild och känner antagligen inte ens till mitt lilla bloggprojekt.

Svaret gjorde mig helt ställd och jag blev våldsamt generad över tanken att han kunde tro att jag verkligen vill ha en RL nakenbild av honom. Ärligt talat så kände jag hur jag rodnade våldsamt där jag satt framför datorn.

Konversationsförsöket fick alltså ett snabbt och lite snöpligt slut och strax därefter loggade jag ut.

Så här i efterhand känns det lite kul, så jag tänkte roa er med det. För tydlighetens skull vill jag framhålla att jag med detta inlägg inte på något sätt vill driva med roby, utan snarare med mig själv eller hur fel det ibland kan gå med kommunikation.

Bilden på roby har jag stulit från Blanche Argus blogg, "Blanche´s arena", och den är från ett helt annat tillfälle.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Nakna avatarer i SL 100

This spot in my project for art and peace in Second Life has - almost since the start - in my mind been reserved for a very special avatar in my Second Life, my late partner Ars Northmead.

In this post I will paste in the eulogy I gave at the second Ars Memorial Service on March 20th, 2010, at the beautiful Calas Galadhon sim. Tymus Tenk and Truck Meredith, the owners of that sim, had kindly allowed us to have the second memorial service for Ars there.

You must remember this eulogy was given only eight days after Ars passing away, so please excuse any flaws. There is so much I now want to add and edit, but I will refrain from doing so.

"I followed my Ars for two and a half years. He was the fixed point around which my SL-life revolved and it spilled over into both our real lives too.

Ars was a hard working man. I can hardly remember a time when he was not working. Either he was a DJ himself or managing DJs, building/creating beautiful things or amazing sets for parties or just gardening and decorating at home or teaching me or someone else something.

Ars always loved sharing what he had learned with others and he was the most patient teacher.

Ars was the most wise, loving, gentle and kindhearted man I have ever known. He was always there for me without fail, whenever I needed him no matter how busy he was.

The greatest confirmation of our love will always be the fact that, when he got seriously ill, Ars told his RL family about me. That enabled us to keep communicating until close to the very end. For that alone I will be eternally grateful to Ars.

The ease with which his family accepted the fact that Ars had a partner in cyberspace will always amaze me. The warmth, care and consideration his family has shown me since is a huge support for me at this sad point in my life.

I am so happy that Ars parents, sister and brothers and the rest of his RL family are with us today, as we commemorate his life with us in Second Life.

Earning Ars love was my greatest achievement and loving him was my greatest reward. I am so proud and grateful to have loved and been loved by a man like him.

Ars was in our lives for too short a time. But in our hearts he will be - Forever Ars."

These pictures were taken by Kent Hutchinson of KH Photography about two months before Ars passed away. They show you my beautiful man in some of the best pictures ever taken of him.

When I first saw the pictures, I fell in love with Ars all over again - even if it never really was the looks of his avatar that I loved. It was the man behind the avatar that caught my mind and heart and forever held me captive.

Some people tell me that you cannot really love someone whom you have never met in real life. Once and for all I would like to tell them: "Stuff it, I know what I feel for Doug and I know what Doug felt for me. Don´t ever dare tell me it was not real love!"

Jadå, ni är fortfarande välkomna att skicka era bidrag till mig antingen inworld eller till min mejl
Yes, you are still welcome to send your contributions to me either inworld or to my mail

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Nakna avatarer i SL 99

This is my friend Willilicious Georgette enjoying a sunny day at the beach in all his natural beauty.

I had seen Willi around in SL for a long time, but we didn´t become friends until we had a great time together with our friends at Second Pride in 2008. No one was funnier, crazier and wilder than Willi at the parties that year.

Lately Willi has started to make a name for himself as a great DJ in Second Life. He is also a fun SL-blogger with his blog "Willilicious Georgette. Da Big Bish in SL."

Jadå, ni är fortfarande välkomna att skicka era bidrag till mig antingen inworld eller till min mejl
Yes, you are still welcome to send your contributions to me either inworld or to my mail

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Nakna avatarer i SL 98

Igår hände något fantastiskt roligt. Efter mina trevliga timmar hos Midnattsdotter "Mid" Fride, som ni kan läsa om i ett tidigare inlägg, åkte jag vidare till PJ´s Roof för att avsluta kvällen med att lyssna på Lucien Maven DJa, titta på min kompis sirhc de Santis poledansa och småspråka med de andra vännerna som var där.

När jag landade bland "de grå skuggorna" (det är så avatarerna ser ut innan de har laddats färdigt i viewern) så började Lucien spela detta konst- & fredsprojekts temasång till min ära, d v s Taio Cruz med "Dirty Pictures".

Den stilige Lelle Kidd var också där och hälsade min ankomst med "Here comes Mr Nude avatars in SL!". Detta tog jag naturligtvis som en utmärkt möjlighet att göra reklam för projektet genom att påminna honom om att jag minsann inte hade fått just hans bild ännu och undra när jag kunde förvänta mig den.

Då fick jag ett IM där Lelle stillsamt påpekade att jag nog borde kolla min mejl...! När jag en kort stund senare loggade ut fann jag ett kort meddelande från Lelle där han berättade, att han nu gav efter för grupptrycket på Foxdale-simen och nu skickade in sitt bidrag till projektet. (Bra jobbat Foxdale, fortsätt så!)

Till mejlet fanns denna urläckra bild bifogad.,Den visar när den stilige och ljuvlige Lelle inspekterar en husvagn som finns till uthyrning på Foxdale.

Jag har alltid uppskattat en man med lite kött på benen och hoppas att ni också gör det nu när jag skänker "Lelle-in-the-flesh" till världen.

Lelle shows his nice body and ass!

Jadå, ni är fortfarande välkomna att skicka era bidrag till mig antingen inworld eller till min mejl
Yes, you are still welcome to send your contributions to me either inworld or to my mail

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Nakna avatarer i SL 97

Denne bidragsgivare är en celebritet i Second Life men relativt okänd för gemene man, till och med svenskarna. Han värnar sin personliga integritet starkt men ville stödja detta projekt på det enda sättet man kan och skickade därför in några bilder till mig.

Wild Zepp, eller som han egentligen ska tilltalas om man följer det kejserliga hovprotokollet, H R H the Untamable Prince Wild of Oueendom of Peace verkar i det tysta inom SL och gör sällan väsen om sig. Han tillhör den närmaste kretsen kring kejsare Soleil och drottningdömet Peace härskarinna, Drottning Fand. För att få lugn och ro mellan sina många engagemang och uppdrag bor han med mig på Southern Charm.

Prince Wild har tidiga morgonvanor och brukar stiga upp i gryningen för att springa sex varv runt simen för att sedan avsluta med ett morgondopp i någon av de många badvikarna. Vid ett sådant tillfälle tillätt han fotografering, till mina läsares fromma.

Som ni kanske ser var det en lite kylig morgon då bilderna togs!

Jadå, ni är fortfarande välkomna att skicka era bidrag till mig antingen inworld eller till min mejl
Yes, you are still welcome to send your contributions to me either inworld or to my mail

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Nakna avatarer i SL 96

Den här underbara bilden fick jag igår från den ljuvliga PetGirl Bergman. Och ja, hon är verkligen spritt språngande naken, det är bara ljuset som döljer hennes behag för våra suktande blickar.

PetGirl är ju även känd under många andra namn, bl a Tina och "dronningen". Det sista är det jag som skämtsamt har döpt henne till i ett förhastat ögonblick i svenskchatten. Både jag och Tina vet att det är skämt. Jag blev därför ledsen när jag från flera håll har fått höra att mitt smeknamn på henne av några har uppfattats på ett helt annat sätt och vill därför nu passa på att klargöra ursprunget.

Jadå, ni är fortfarande välkomna att skicka era bidrag till mig antingen inworld eller till min mejl
Yes, you are still welcome to send your contributions to me either inworld or to my mail

Friday, July 9, 2010

Nakna avatarer i SL 95

Den ljuvliga Hedda Millar blev tipsad om mitt bloggprojekt idag. Hon är visserligen svenska men håller sig mest hemma, som den fina flicka hon är, utom när hon är ute och shoppar förståss men hennes "main" är en snåljåp så det blir inte så ofta!

Här kommer några bilder som Hedda skickade in när hon tar ett kvällsdopp på hemmasimen "Southern Charm".

Haha så lite tänker jag på min alts, så jag hade helt glömt bort att jag kunde fylla ut med dem!

Jadå, ni är fortfarande välkomna att skicka era bidrag till mig antingen inworld eller till min mejl
Yes, you are still welcome to send your contributions to me either inworld or to my mail